What happened to Microsoft?

Gosh lookit all them customers at the Microsoft Store!

j/k. These pictures of empty stores make me wonder what happened to Microsoft? They were the kings if tech, unstoppable. Now everything they've done has been a failure; their phones, players, social networking, software, search.
I wonder what happened to them

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  • DCskull.. Ironic you should say that.. Comparing Steve Jobs to Edison, I mean..

    Post-internet, with a lot of geek activism and information sharing, Edison has indeed become a Steve Jobs-like figure. Not exactly as an innovator, but more like a guy who used his proteges unfairly, stealing ideas from rivals ( most prominent among them being Nikola Tesla) and patenting them first, and then creating trouble for them, along with bad publicity for his rivals by staging outrageous misleading stunts just to discredit them. (Plenty of material out there for reading.. One example : live animal electrocution to discredit Tesla's AC current)

    That's not to say Edison wasn't an innovator at all. He did improve some inventions and probably create some stuff on his own, but the point is, he was more of an entrepreneur who stole great ideas and marketed them successfully, with a very good PR team.
    aliencubby 11/26/2012 11:04 PM
  • Considering Microsoft owns a substantial chunk of Apple shares, from when they bailed Apple out of near-bankruptcy, I wouldn't say Apple destroyed MS ;)
    That aside, it's the smartphone era now, and more people are moving towards mobile computing as opposed to fixed terminal computers, where MS dominated the world market. They just were late to the popular smartphone market (kinda ironic, since their Windows OS for the phone was there before the iOS or Android platform), and they have a terrible PR strategy. Apple, on the other hand, has a mediocre OS, but a very powerful PR team who's built the hype around the product and made it successful. Android, with Google and major tech giants behind it, has Open Source as its USP and has a huge developer community, centered around geeks, so it's popular.

    That aside, the MS Surface and Windows phones are just starting out in the market. A bit overpriced for my budget, but I'd love to get my hands on the MS Surface. It's a kickass tablet from what I've seen. Just needs a better marketing and development team. After all, it's not just a big iTouch ;)

    And BTW BearinFW.. Not for long.. After their recent litigation and bad publicity (and lack of innovation), Apple's stocks have been steadily falling, as have been their market shares. Android is becoming the mobile OS of choice now. Won't be long before Android dominates the market.

    Of course, Apple won't go completely off the radar.. There will always be people willing to pay a lot more than necessary for the shiny brand labels. They will continue to be around for a while longer..

    http://venturebeat.com/2012/11/01/as-android-grab … ver-again/
    aliencubby 11/25/2012 12:51 AM
  • I wouldn't write Microsoft off just yet, but clearly Apple is what's hot right now.
    BearinFW 11/25/2012 12:37 AM
  • Apple (led by Steve Jobs) is one thing that happened to Microsoft.

    Sent from my Mac desktop computer, not from my iPad or my iPhone, while listening to my iPod.

    Not really, just the Mac is true, but the rest could be if I had that kind of money to spend.
    rjzip 11/24/2012 09:57 PM