I am really upset. Why is it that the right wing republicans can get away with the obvious racism in there insane opposition to everything President Obama proposes. If he says it is nice day these idiots say why he say that he is taking to much power he is not american
If what you say is true why is a statement such as "right wing idiots" needed? That is but one example.
Generalizations tend, by their nature, to include "all" when statements are made such as "radical right wing Republicans." If you mean to say "one" idiot who happens to be Republican, then say so... (e. g., the guy who spoke about rape and a woman's body)... There are others - Republicans and Democrats...
Alternatively, a statement such as "radical left wing Democrats" is equally inclusive of "all."
Saying things like "conservatives are getting so much more emboldened" is a catch all phrase that I take some issue with... for example, if that is your perception I have no problem hearing your opinion. However, one could argue that our recently reelected POTUS has demonstrated some "emboldened" attitudes about many subjects of late.
If people wonder why many are not following the leadership of the POTUS, it may be that what he is saying and doing are not conciliatory in tone, not "reaching across the aisle," and that are contrary to good leadership. People follow when there is reason to follow a leader:
(1) other than oratorical skills, what vision has POTUS offered that is inspirational and moving? Books are written about this topic.
(2) has POTUS caused enhanced respect for the US among world leaders? Many would say the trend is not in the direction enhancing respect among even our Allies.
(3) with respect to the economy, what plan does POTUS have other than create big government, more red ink and more governmental control over people? The simple fact that many have a different opinion does not mean such people are evil incarnate.
The true test of Presidential leadership is something much more elusive and difficult. It has historical connotations. No one ever said effective Presidental leadership was easy. Yet, the task of the incumbent POTUS remains - how to bring "The People" to a new state of being with a shared vision, common values, and perspectives that include respect rather than name-calling, aloofness, and "I dare you to do something" attitude. Presidential leadership that hits such sour notes is doomed to fail - but history alone will tell the tale in that respect...
I hasten to add that I respect one's right to hold whatever personal opinion one wants to have... But, when participating in a discussion/blog it does seem to me that we should distinguish personal opinion from statements purporting to represent fact. That is why such broadbrush statements cannot stand on their own merit and it doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum one comes down on... Broadbrush (AKA generalizations) simply do not work...
I do agree that of the many men on this site that a very small number seem to have anything to say on the blogs here... I wonder why that is because there are many other blogs one can participate in - blogs that address every conceivable subject (including sex)... On this site if I wanna chat/blog about sex I feel "safer" that the chat/blog will remain private here (unlike other places where no such assurance is apparent).
So, bottom line my friend:
(1) I think we should avoid "labels" (e. g., conservatives and Republicans are not "idiots")
(2) I think we should state opinion when opinion is being put out there for others to read
(3) I think we should avoid generalizations because, by their nature, they do not work and they do tend to be inclusive of "all" (when the statement is sweeping in nature even when the particular word "all" is not stated outright)
These blogs can and I would argue should be able to discuss issues of a wide variety of topics. They certainly should address controversial topics - any number of social concerns in our country come to mind. However, I suspect that some guys here may choose not to participate because those who profer some ideas do so in a manner that does not seem to be objective and that represent a topic that is difficult to deal with face-to-face (forget in written form!).
I have a standard practice while at work: don't text me (1) when I am driving, (2) about your work schedule, (3) unless it is an emergency... There is much about the English language that is difficult when spoken, it is no easier in written form. When we take a contentious issue and write about it there is much said/written that is left to the imagination. "The words you said/wrote are not what I understood, what I understood is not what you meant..." I do not think we need to be overly sensitive about these things - just aware of them.
Frankly, we are such a divided country now that I feel this site's blog could raise the bar to something higher than the low standard of name calling, generalizations, and the "you must be an idiot" manner of talking about real issues that affect real people...
I think all of us here would welcome more discussion. Unfortunately, not enough people make use of the blog feature here.
Once again, all conservatives are NOT "right wing extremists" nor are all Republicans.
I dare say that all liberals are NOT "left wing extremists" just as Democrats are not...
When labels enter a discussion (here it is called a "thread") the discussion loses credibility.
When all blame is cast on one side of the political spectrum the discussion loses credibility.
There is little to no input in these discussions ("threads") from the opposite side of the issues. It is like those with a certain political persuasion are preaching to themselves. Not much achieved in such discussion....
By the way, on the issue of gun control I am in favor or severe restrictions on all sorts of weapons (bazookas in the closet, sub-machine guns, assault-style weapons of mass destruction). Put a "label" on that...
All inclusive allegations and generalizations do not work. They just don't.
A significant part of the problem, I think, is that because of gerrymandering, most Republican lawmakers are in very safe, VERY conservative districts. So they really don't have to worry about re-election (except by being outflanked from the right in the GOP primary). So the race is on to see who can be the *most* conservative. I know this is the case here in TX, where most Republicans, including the governor, can say any outrageous, insane, right-wing crap they want and not have to worry about repercussions.
We actually had an idiot state lawmaker say that if Congress passed an assault weapons ban, he would introduce a bill instructing Texas to ignore federal law!!! Wasn't that issue settled like over 100 years ago?
Anyway, GOP lawmakers who only play to their most conservative constituents can't see the forest for the trees. America as a whole is nowhere near so nutty right wing, and they may be on the verge of making their party irrelevant in presidential politics for several decades.
And I also agree with the original intent of this thread. Conservatives are getting so radically emboldened that even the threat of being labeled racist doesn't bother them much anymore.
To tell you the truth, I'm so sick of the right-wing idiots here that I would consider running against one just to point out how insane they are. (Well, that would be dependent upon me getting a job in a different field.)
On issue after issue, Republicans have pissed and moaned that the President is not showing enough leadership. Of course that's bullshit; the problem is they show little or NO capability to follow.