Gun Control
Why is it that in the past days of gun control discussion the right wing gun advocates have been airing a series of interviews with female gun un control advocate. Most of them look like medium to high priced bimbos. Is this meant to attract the crazies that it is "macho" (pardon the non english, you right winger). I find it difficult to understand how any reasonable person can take the position that controlling gun sales and possession is a bad thing. It sure as hell does not violate the 2nd amendment to the constitution.
Don't forget that the main line in the second amendment that is always left out of this discussion is " a well regulated militia". Wonder why that is there? Could it be that the founders wanted to have a little control over the people with guns? having been a memeber of the Posse Comatatus back in my wild 20's. I full well know the distortions that the gun crazies use. They have no intention to listening to anything the government has to say and believe that the only reason for the 2nd amendment is to protect the citizens of this country from its own government. They will never see any other point of view. I found out pretty quickly how crazy these people are and distanced myself from them very quickly. So to think we can reason with them is just as crazy. We need to do like the previous poster said and that is get in touch with your elected officials and demand that they do the right thing. Yes gerrymandering is a problem but we can also fix that in time.
When the 2nd amendment was ratified in 1791 guns were made by a gunsmith, they were single shot weapons, they were loaded through the muzzle, and they were fired by means of flintlock. I don't think the right to bear arms means assault rifles that can hold clips of 100 bullets.